Wiser Health and Fitness

15 X 3 - 45 minutes
with Liz & FCS


April 29 (Monday)
at 9:30 am

Class length
45 minutes


45 MINUTE CLASS with fixed format of (3) 15 minute sections with timed intervals.  No mat work except for those people who like to use their mat for plank work.  There will be short rests and water breaks during class.  This class consists of exercise movements that will work each body part and muscle group.  Keep in mind that ANY movement can be modified - this is YOUR workout and this is meant to be designed for any level.  Your chair may be used for balance, seated work, and some stretches.

You will need water, chair (sturdy folding chair), sweat rag and different size free weights (dumbbells).
This class starts promptly at 9:30  AM- please check in at 9:25 AM if possible.

9:30-9:45 - 15 minutes WARM UP + CARDIO  (sets to get your body warmed up and heart pumping, including agility).
9:45-10:00 - 15 minutes STRENGTHEN  (sets of upper body work with dumbbells).
10:00-10:15 - 15 minutes END FOCUS (core/balance work, agility, abdominals, stretch - standing or self-modified chair work).


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
